Hemp Furniture Design

Hemp is an ancient textile with a lot of versatility. Hemp fiber is the most durable and eco-sensible crop on the planet. It can be spun into threads for making rope, twine, and cords, and it can be woven into clothing, fabrics, and linens. An example of hemp furniture:

hemp furniture design
Hemp Furniture - Bed and Sheets

Hemp is grown without chemical pesticides or toxic fertilizers, and it produces more fiber yield per acre than any other crop. One acre of hemp can produce as much usable fiber as 4 acres of trees or two acres of cotton (and it is stronger than cotton). Many green furniture companies are using this fabric for many of their furniture fabrics.

Faux Leather
When it comes to animals, eco-friendly companies are just as friendly to animals as they are to the natural environment. Leather products are completely avoided and microfiber and faux leather substitutes (though pleather is not entirely free of controversy) are used instead.

Leather products are symptomatic of pollution and animal cruelty. U. S. factory farms are the biggest pollutant of American waterways, and animals are subjected to all types of cruelty (confinement, branding, tail docking, horn removal, hormone and antibiotic injections, repeated breeding).
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